  >  Life   >  Feel Out Of Place In Your Career? Tips For Expressing Yourself Comfortably

Feeling good in your place of work sometimes takes a bit of effort. You have to get to know your co-workers, you have to learn to talk to clients, and you need to manage your time effectively. It’s a habit you can develop, just like any other! 


But when you feel out of place in your career, it’s OK to need some more heavy duty tips to feel comfortable. 


State Your Ideas, Even When Nervous


Feel uncomfortable in a meeting scenario? Remember, everyone is in the same boat. You’re all a bit nervous, but you still have a job to do! 


And you don’t need an idea to be fully fleshed out before you offer it up. You can work with those around you, colleagues and clients alike, to help define it, purpose it, and make it come true. As long as you have something to bring to the table, that’s all that matters. 


Wear Fun But Appropriate Workplace Attire


Workplace attire is very dependent on the role you have, but you can still have fun with the rules! 


If you’re a remote worker, pyjamas are never quite a bad thing. The office dress-down-Friday event is a lot more fun when you throw in an accessory that feels like you. Say some classic gothic earrings or dramatic shoes, if those are the kind of things you like to wear outside of work. 


Or if you work in a medical practice and you’re a fan of Christmas, buy some Christmas scrub tops and wear one once or twice a week during the festive season. Having fun is all about staying on theme while bending the uniform guidelines. 


Keep the Conversation Going


Are you a social butterfly but worry you’ll come across as overbearing? This is the tip for you. If you feel you often hit a wall when networking, or making friends within the workplace, keep the conversation going after you’ve both walked away. Don’t worry, this is easier than you might think. 


For freelancers, this means emailing someone if you’ve got their contact details to ask how they’re doing, or bring up a point made during your initial conversation and offer more thoughts on it. 


For those with colleagues in a new workplace, this means starting a chat off your own back. You don’t have to wait for permission to talk to someone in the next cubicle; if you’re all in the break room together, bring up something important or interesting to you and let others chime in. 


This way, you’ll be able to express who you are in a safely verbal manner, and get to feel out how those around you communicate in return. 


Even when you work from home, there can be a lot of anxiety in what you do. But the more you know how to express yourself in a down to earth, workplace suitable, and truly comfortable manner, the easier you’re going to find your job on a day to day basis.


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