Find Freedom With Freelancing; The Advantages Of Freelancing
When it comes to employment the overwhelming majority of people will opt for the typical employer/employee relationship or perhaps decide to set up shop on their own and run their own business. Whatever you choose each option has its advantages and disadvantages. One such career that has commonly been overlooked but is growing in popularity is the option to freelance.
Freelance is a type of self-employment but one that is carried out on a flexible basis. Freelancers’ approach to working has to be incredibly adaptable, while some freelance work can be incredibly regular some may be sparse or a one-time occurrence. Freelancers could be required to work on long term contracts or short term projects on an ad hoc basis. It will depend greatly on the needs of the employer. Although there are some uncertainties with freelancing, such as the regularity, or irregularity, of work and in turn, the pay freelancing can offer up many practical benefits as a career choice.
As already touched on flexibility is key when freelancing. Although it depends on the type of work and the industry, freelancing can allow you to set your working time, your hours and where you work from – potentially it could be anywhere in the world. It can make the confines of childcare more manageable or even just strike a better work-life balance. Some freelance roles provide you with the option to work as much or as little as you want depending on your needs at the time.
Labour of love
For many freelancers, their work is a passion project, a career of love. Graphic designers are a great example of freelancers who can use their artistic skill and passion in a way that is convenient for them yet still scratching their professional itch and importantly still making a living. Writers, web designers and videographers are other great examples of freelancing careers that are commonly born out of enjoyment and allow people to work flexibly without the confines of a 9-5.
Be your boss and run your business
Whether you set up as an Ecommerce SEO agency or provide translation services being a freelancer enables you to be your own boss. You may be answerable to others during project work and have deadlines to adhere to but ultimately some of the key decisions rest with you. Where you work, the hours you work and importantly the type of work you take on and when. Being your own boss and freelancing can give you the ultimate control over the workload you have. If the work is there you can work as much or as little as you want, and importantly on projects that are meaningful to you.
Being your own boss also allows you the flexibility to choose who you work with. You can choose to work with many clients or just a select few to suit you. This is one perk that you are unlikely to find in your typical 9-5.
What is more, becoming a freelancer essentially means that you will be running a business and to make your freelance work a success it is wise to treat it that way. You will need to consider whether you set up a freelance company or register as self-employed. Running your own business can be incredibly rewarding, although it is hard work you will doubtlessly benefit from a sense of pride and achievement once everything is off of the ground and up and running.
The downside?
While there are many advantages to freelancing it wouldn’t be wise to ignore the pitfalls and like anything there are some drawbacks to freelancing. While the work can be flexible and freeing it can also be sporadic and there is no guarantee of a regular income and it is on you to attract new clients and workloads. Neither will you benefits from some of the perks of employment, such as holiday pay, sick pay or access to a company pension scheme.
Freelancing and in turn, running your own business also requires you to be disciplined and organised as it brings with it a lot of administrative work and responsibility. You will be responsible for filing your own taxes, invoicing, and such like. Everything will rest with you and you will often find yourself doing tasks that are required to form part of your business but do not necessarily reap any financial reward. Finally, freelancing can be quite isolating as it is likely to require solo working without the hustle and bustle of an office or in-person colleagues to talk to. Yes, you can work with whom your choose, where and when you want but this is usually done remotely and you will be spending large amounts of your time working alone.