Smart Tips for Starting a Successful Plumbing Business
In 2013, the U.S. plumbing industry market value was estimated at $95 billion. Plumbers earn a very good income compared to workers in other professions. That said, launching a plumbing business may not be an easy task since there are many well-established brands in the industry. Your enterprise will probably have to advertise itself aggressively if you want to make the mark. Here are some crucial tips to follow to build a successful plumbing start-up.
- Define your niche
The plumbing industry is pretty large as it encompasses repair and drain cleaning, among other sectors. If you launch your plumbing business based on these commonly provided services, you’ll undoubtedly face a lot of competition. Consider selecting a plumbing niche that other business owners least cover. For instance, you may want to offer unique services like installing water pipes, gas pipes and sanitary equipment.
Other equally good niche markets include commercial maintenance, medical facilities, and large-scale buildings. It would be best if you geared your ultimate goal towards selecting a niche that you can manage effectively. The benefit of narrowing down your plumbing niche market to a specific area is that it allows you to operate efficiently.
- Go through a training program to gain experience
If you’re a beginner, you may find it necessary to know plumbing stuff inside-out or else you risk losing control of the business. To get first-hand experience in your plumbing niche, you may need to go through some training. This is especially important if you’re not a professional plumber.
You can undergo an apprenticeship program with a reputable plumbing company to acquire more knowledge and skills to kick-start your business. It’s also a great idea to take plumbing-related courses or join community colleges to develop the requisite skills for the start-up. Knowledge and experience will add more value to your plumbing brand.
- Invest in good quality plumbing supplies
To scale up the growth of your plumbing business, be ready to invest in the essential plumbing supplies. Guaranteeing your customers value for money starts with buying state-of-the-art plumbing equipment. Good-quality plumbing supplies will boost the efficiency of your business and improve your customer satisfaction.
Partnering with Mark’s Plumbing Parts – who have America’s largest selection of plumbing parts – can help you find unique parts for your plumbing business. Shop for high-quality plumbing supplies in various categories such as drain equipment, faucets, plumbing fixtures, valves and the like. Your ability to create a successful plumbing start-up may lie in the quality of your services.
- Employ skillful employees
Successful plumbing entrepreneurs don’t try to do everything by themselves; they partner with good employees to push their business to the next level. One right way to expedite the growth of your start-up is to hire more skillful workers.
Hiring employees means you can take more contracts and complete more projects in time, which will help you expand the company’s outreach. Employ experienced plumbers and hire experts to handle your paperwork. Finally, when you bring more hands on board, you may need to get liability insurance for your plumbing brand.