A Chilly Sunday
Dress c/o Fashion Culprit Hat: Asos Collar Necklace: c/o Celliana Bracelets: H&M & eBay *please note I do own an iron I’m just too ill to even process the thought of ironing right now!
Hi guys! Long time no blog unfortunately! Other than my usual uni, work and general life errands I’ve been struck down with a winter lurgy all week. This meant copious amounts of cough pastilles, paracetamol, early nights and soup! I’m starting to feel a little more human though. So just a few updates, it was my last week at work this week as I made the decision to quit so that I could focus my time on uni work. I didn’t want to get bogged down and fall behind because of trying to keep up my job too, I think it’s for the best and means I have no excuse for missing deadlines or not getting assignments done!
So this week was pretty hectic, I was also in London on Thursday and managed to pop by to Lydia Brights clothing preview. It’s a capsule collection and represents her vintage style really well. Keep an eye out for that! Today I went into Cambridge to return and exchange a few items, magically I managed not to buy anymore. I did make a pretty hefty River Island sale order this week though which I can’t wait to recieve. I scored two blazers that I was planning on buying for less than half price. How could I say no?!
Onto the outfit, I wore this lovely little LBD today (with a coat!), I love that skater dresses can be worn during the day and dressed up for evenings too. Isn’t the cut out back just adorable? I really like the length of this one it’s not too bum skimming like some, just right. The necklace definitely jazzes it up. I own quite a few statement necklaces as I think they’re a great way to mix up your basics. The detail in this one is gorgeous and available at Celliana. Be sure to check out their lovely new stock!
I hope you all had a better week than me! There seems to be a lot of illness going around at the moment, I suppose it’s just that time of year. Tonight will be all about my onesie, food and catching up on blogs! If you want to drop me your links/recent posts in the comments I’ll be sure to take a look!
Tilly xo