  >  Uncategorized   >  Beauty: How I Get Silver Hair

I tend not to delve into the world of beauty blogging, I’m no expert here but I’ve been getting an increasing amount of questions on my Instagram and Twitter regarding my hair. I thought I’d put together a blog post that will hopefully answer your questions!  


So we’ll start with a brief history of my hair colour, I’m naturally a mousy colour but I’ve been getting blonde highlights since the age of around 16 . I tried to go dark with my brief ombre stage but as my hair has been so heavily coloured it didn’t take to the darker shade well at all and would wash out almost instantly. So back to be blonde I went! I get an all over head of highlights, usually the lightest shade and one just under so it isn’t too much of a block colour. 

It might surprise you that I didn’t actually dye my hair this current grey/lilac look it has at the moment. To achieve this colour I used a Bleach London toner on my already highlighted hair, this was to zap away any yellows and give it an overall more ‘platinum’ look. I then use a silver shampoo and conditioner (also from Bleach) which gives it those ashy tones. I’ve tried a lot of silver shampoos in my time and none have ever been as effective as this one. To get those lilac tinges I use the shampoo 2-3 times a week and keep it on for about 5 minutes before washing it out, and there you go! 


As I’ve had bleach on my hair regularly it does take its toll, though the condition of my hair isn’t too bad I try and maintain its healthiness as much as possible to avoid any straw-like textures!

One item I always use is a strengthening spray, something that will ‘repair’ my hair. I’ve been using this Paul Mitchell spray (via hairtrade*) recently and I’m really impressed. I spray it onto my hair after I’ve washed it, as it also helps to avoid too many tangles! After this I run a small amount of the Body Shop coconut ‘beauty oil’ through my hair, it gives a silky smooth feel and it smells insanely gorgeous! 


In terms of styling, I’ve never been too adventurous with my hair. I usually stick to a simple down style, I tend to straighten my hair and add a little bit of volume spray just so it isn’t too flat looking. The Charles Worthington bounce and hold spray is a god send! I usually top it off with a quick spritz of my James Brown shine and fragrance spray for a glossy look. 


So there you have it! I hope this has covered everything, if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and I’ll get back to you!

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