Tick Tock Help Me Shop
Hey guys! So just a super quick post today, I am in need of some fashionable advice! My 21st is creeping up and my boyfriend has offered to buy me a new watch (yay!). I thought I’d take advantage of the asos discount that’s running at the moment with unidays and save him a bit of money, to you know, buy me extra presents with muahaha. So anyway I’m so torn between these:
I’d love to know your thoughts! On one hand I really love the Michael Kors watch, but my current watch is Marc Jacobs and I do love it (it’s just a bit worn and torn now) so I feel I should stay faithful to the MJ! What are your thoughts? Do you have a favourite? All opinions welcome!
Tilly xo
p.s this is not intended to be a braggy post!