A Real Hero
Shirt, trousers, hat, clutch & shoes: all asos (oops) Necklace: Primark Bracelet: H&M Watch: Marc Jacobs
HAI. Remember me? It’s been a few days, not had the best of weeks to be honest and I think a little break from the internet was what I needed. However I’m back and if anything it has made me more keen to blog and I have a ton of things I want to show you!
First up a few new bits I naughtily purchased from Asos, been drooling over these trousers for ages but wasn’t sure if they were too much. I hope not and I think with the white shirt it tones them down a bit? I finally got a bowler hat yay! Or pork pie hat whichever you wish to call it, I actually found this on Asos it’s called a “boater” hat on there if any of you want to find it. It’s only £18 which is cheaper than the Topshop one!
I hope you’re all having a fun weekend, I received my credit card bill this morning *eek* it wasn’t the best so I’m going to try and cut down again. My last spending ban I mentioned lasted one week, poor effort. In other news I’ve decided to join the gym again! I’m only working part time over summer so I have days where I get a bit bored so it will give me something to do and keep me healthy! I’ve been looking into Pilates classes too which my mum wants to start, have any of you been to Pilates? What it’s like?
I’ll be back to regular posting this week so more from me soon!
Tilly xo
p.s can anyone tell I’ve been listening to the “Drive” soundtrack? 😉