Polka Dot Crop
Tee: River Island Trousers: Glamorous via ASOS (now in the sale!) Shoes: eBay Bag: Mulberry
Some more summery pics today, yay! Me and my mum have started making a conscious effort to go on a daily walk just so we’re getting a bit more exercise done especially over the weekend (though I also count shopping as exercising). There’s a lovely little trail right by the river literally 5 minutes from my house. I never used to appreciate things like this when I was younger but it’s such a nice walk. When the sun is still beaming at 7pm in the evening it’s nice to go and get some fresh air instead of sitting inside watching the TV or whatever.
The weekend absolutely flew by for me! How good was the Murray match also?! I was literally on the edge of my seat, such a good game. All the boring non watchers missed out. Anyway, I’m heading off to Italy on Wednesday WOOO. I’m so excited, I’m taking my camera so I’ll take lots of outfit snaps and bits and bobs.
It’s quite surprising that these trousers come from my wardrobe. I think they’re one of the only pink items I have. I don’t really tend to buy much at all in pink but I loved both the material and fit of these plus it’s more of a dusty pink/peach so it’s ok. They’re also now in the sale for a measly £19! Blogging may be sparse until I get back from Italy and overload you all with a million pictures of dresses, pizza and cliffs.
Tilly xo